All stoles are custom made to order,
in 100% cotton Kona quilting fabric that comes in a variety of 300 colours.
Because everything is made to order you can be involved in choosing a design unique to you.
The design part of the stole is sewn first, on a domestic sewing machine using a variety of fabrics, threads, yarn and ribbons.
The inside of the stoles is made using a layer of pr-shrunk 10oz cotton duck, wrapped with a cotton lining to stop any stray threads or fraying of the duck.
The construction is then done by hand, tacking the design part to the base, this is then finished off by sewing the backing fabric by hand.
The design process is the most important part,
and will often be the longest.
Ordering a stole can be a very special point in a long journey, it’s an outward sign of your ministry and you may want to think deeply about what you are saying.
Some people have lots of ideas and no problems about what they want to say, others find it a much harder process. I would hope to be able to help to find the right balance for you.
I love working with peoples own ideas, it makes the whole process special.
Make it your own...
Most of the designs on the website can be replicated or they can be adapted by changing colour ways, adding sparkles or used as a starting point for creating your own idea. Often people will substitute part of one design or an element which is personal to them.
My stoles are finished with a V shape at the neck which can be finished with a cross. I will also add a deacons side fastening if necessary.
I may also be able incorporate your own fabric into a design, if it's something special to you. I have worked with wedding dresses and items of clothing, sometimes just adding a small patch on the inside so its only known to the wearer (I only ask that wedding dresses are supplied to me ready cut up).
What does this process look like?
The first stage of the process, after initial conversation about the design is for me to start by emailing you small rough sketches, these are just to establish the idea is moving in the right direction.
Once you are happy with this stage I will move onto larger drawings, then finally with a scale working drawing which I would use for the finished stole.
At this stage I would also send photos of the colour options and if you wanted sample swatches of the fabrics.
I will then finally start sewing and at this stage I like to send pictures of work in progress.